Friday, August 07, 2009

Hey Tammy....

You asked me to complete your survey. I did. I also sent you an email, reproduced below. What is your response?

I oppose the Fed Gov providing health care of any form to individuals - and any attempt to provide 'insurance' in competition with private insurers is, in my opinion, so unconstitutional as to be a violation of your oath of office.

My partner needs health care insurance and if YOU and Congress would offer pool insurance to the uninsurable, many, probably a super majority, would support that, but the 'Obamacare' is an affront to American values and our system of government.

Come out and meet with your constituents. I will be happy to be there and NO ONE will be paying me to be there - but we do pay for YOU to be there.
I'll be waiting.....

1 comment:

Aviva Gabriel said...

You wrote: "Tammy... Fed Gov providing health care of any form to individuals - and any attempt to provide 'insurance' in competition with private insurers is, in my opinion, so unconstitutional as to be a violation of your oath of office."

Why is the "public option," or public health insurance, any more unconstitutional than public highways, public police and fire departments, public libraries, public schools, and other public services?

Would a public plan (like many other industrialized nations provide for their citizens) be unconstitutional simply because it would compete with private plans?

If so, please point me to the passage in the U.S. Constitution that provides support for this thesis.

If not, please point me to any passage in the U.S. Constitution that supports the more general thesis that a Medicare-like "public option" is unconstitutional.

Thanks! I'm making an honest inquiry, and not just trying to "prove a point."